Our People

Board of Directors


Bill Ballou

Owner/operator of a Christian book store with his wife Ila. Bill, also a charter member is involved with Rotary International. He has made contacts for us in partnership projects.


Terry Dittmer

Owner/operator of a lumber yard in his home town of Crete, NE.  He has been a member for 3 years and has introduced several groups the work of W4H. As with each of our board members he is a faithful supporter of our mission.


Rollie Gibbins

His first trip to Haiti was in 1984 and has returned many times since. He has been on the board for 7 years and has helped form W4H with his leadership. He is now an independent contractor of commercial telephone system installations after 30 years with Bell Telephone.


Harvey Schweitzer

Harvey has been on the board for 3 years and has farmed most of his life in eastern NE and comes to Haiti nearly every year to work on projects. His church is a great supporter of W4H.


Chuck Larsen

Chuck has been going to Haiti since 1984. He taught math for 5 years before returning to the family farming operation in central NE for 35 years. The past 5 years he spends 5-6 months in Haiti each year.


Nancy Larsen

Nancy is a charter member of the board since 2008. She taught early elementary for 30+ years and is now retired. Nancy is in Haiti 4 months each year, cooking for the work groups who come on short term missions.


Ryan Walker

Ryan is a seed and chemical regional director and sales manager from South Central Iowa.


Tim Springer

Tim came on the board with his 2 friends of Harvey and Terry. They are 100 miles from W4H's offices and have added a new dimension of ideas and a new donor base. He is busy in the community working as a full time farmer and lay pastor.


Our Haitian Staff


Zog, Jr., Roberto, and Sammy